Enciclopédia do Idioma Élfico

Este artigo é uma cópia de “A Enciclopédia  Warcraft”, um artigo oficial da Blizzard Entertainment, que continha uma variedade de informações do universo de Warcraft. O artigo original era localizado antigamente aqui, porém não sobreviveu após as atualizações e reformas dos websites oficiais de World of Warcraft. (Entretando, uma versão arquivada está armazenada aqui).

O Thalassiano é o idioma primário dos elfos do sangue e altos elfos, e um dos quatro idiomas élficos conhecidos. Possui equivalência entre as versões escrita e falada. Indivíduos que não estão familizarizados com o nome correto do idioma podem se referir a ele como Alto Élfico.

Assim como o Nazja, idioma das nagas, o Thalassiano é uma forma derivada do idioma Darnassiano. Logo, o thalassiano é intimamente relacionado com o Darnassiano, e existem inclusive algumas sobreposições entre as duas linguagens. Expressões Darnassianas além disso, podem ter sido preservadas em Thalassiano moderno, além daquelas que são especificadas abaixo.

Até agora, os estudiosos linguísticos optaram por errar ao lado da cautela em documentar termos e frases Darnassianos que também são considerados parte do idioma Thalassiano. Certamente, este problema, apesar de delicado, necessita de aprofundamento na pesquisa. Todavia, dirigir-se a um alto elfo ou elfo do sangue com uma palavra ou frase específica do Darnassiano pode ser considerado ofensivo ou no mínimo um pouco tolo, logo o orador deve ter cautela em como lidar com a situação.


Aqui também estão algumas frases e termos comuns, que tiveram suas traduções oficialmente confirmadas pela Blizzard:


  • Al diel shala = Safe travels.
  • Ama noral’arkhana = Saved by magic.
  • Anar’alah = By the light
  • Anar’alah belore = By the light of the sun.
  • Anaria shola = Speak your business.
  • Anar’endal dracon = By the breath of the dragon.
  • Ann’da = Papa
  • Anu belore dela’na = The eternal sun guides us.
  • Aranal = Rise!
  • Bal’a dash, malanore = Greetings, traveler.
  • Ban’dinoriel = Gatekeeper
  • Band’or shorel’aran — (Roughly) “Prepare to say farewell”, spoken by Commander Sarannis, officially translated in the Chinese version of WoW.
  • Bash’a no falor talah! = Taste the chill of true death!, Sylvanas Windrunner (WC3)
  • Belore = “The sun”, though can mean to uncover something hidden or unknown if used in Darnassian.
  • Dalah’surfal = My love.
  • Doral ana’diel? = How fare you?
  • Minn’da = Mama
  • Quel’dorei = “high elves”, or “the high elves”.
  • Selama ashal’anore = Justice for our people.
  • Shindu fallah na! = They’re breaking through!.
  • Shindu Sin’dorei! = Failing children of the Blood. Shindu roughly translates to breaking or failing. In Lament of the Highborne Sylvanas sings of the fall of the Sin’dorei.
  • Shorel’aran = Farewell.
  • Sin’dorei = Children of the blood. This could also be interpreted as “people of the bloodline”, referring to the continuation of the line of the Highborne. this is also said to mean Blood Elves by Kael’thas Sunstrider
  • Tal anu’men no Sin’dorei! — Death to all who oppose the Children of the Blood.

High elven names Edit

The past is a burden to the high elves, yet they maintain naming rituals that are millennia old. Many of the names of elven priests and heroes have become the names used for elves in modern times. The high elves share a connection with the sun that is quite prevalent in their choice of family names.

  • Male Names: Mariel, Athaniar, Anandor, Tharama, Viridiel, Malanior.
  • Female Names: Anarial, Driana, Coria, Alanassori, Melanion, Azshara, Anna.
  • Family Names: Boughstrider, Dawnblade, Lightbringer, Morningray, Suntreader.

[22] (WoWRPG 37)

Untranslated words or phrases Edit


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  • An’daroth — One of the three Ghostlands Darnassian spy encampments. Possibly Darnassian?
  • An’owyn — One of the three Ghostlands Darnassian spy encampments. Possibly Darnassian?
  • An’telas — One of the three Ghostlands Darnassian spy encampments. Possibly Darnassian?
  • Aranal, ledel!Prince Keleseth
  • Anara’nel beloreKael’thas= May you all go through the fire.
  • Balamore shanal!Kael’thas
  • Bandal! — High Nethermancer Zerevor
  • Belesa menoor! — High Nethermancer Zerevor
  • Danil – “Peak”[citation needed]
  • Diel fin’al.High Nethermancer Zerevor
  • Elrendar — a Quel’Thalas river and a waterfall, both fed by a lake with the same name.
  • Endala finel endal! — Nethermancer Sepethrea
  • Endorel aluminor — High Botanist Freywinn
  • Falthrien — an arcane academy on Sunstrider Isle.
  • Falithas — One of the runestones protecting Eversong from the plague.
  • Felomin ashal — Kael’thas in Magister’s Terrace
  • Quel’Danas — Island home of the dragonhawks and location of the Sunwell.
  • Quel’Lithien — A quel’dorei lodge in Eastern Plaguelands, and location of the Silvermoon City Register.
  • Selama am’oronor!High Nethermancer Zerevor
  • Selama amor’anore! — Gathios the Shatterer
  • Shalandis — An island off the coast of the western Ghostlands, headquarters of Darnassian spying missions against Silvermoon City.
  • Shan’dor — One of the runestones protecting Eversong from the plague.
  • Tel’thas – Dagger of the Blood King
  • Quel’ – “High” ((Quel’)Thalas = High Home, (Quel’)dorei = High Elves, (Quel’)Danil = High Peak)[citation needed]
  • Thalas’din belore – inscripted on Fal’inrush, Defender of Quel’thalas.
    • Thalas means king, belore means “the sun”, so one can assume it is probably along the lines of “Kingdom of the Sun”, especially given the context. The only other time “din” is used in a word is “ban’dinoriel”, or “gatekeeper”, and considering “ban” is separated, one can most likely say that “dinoriel” is “keeper”, and since there is a root to that word, saying “din” is gate isn’t implausible. This would make the phrase most likely be “Keeper [of the] Kingdom [of] the Sun”.
  • Zaram – “Blade”[citation needed.

Thalassian speculation Edit

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Thalassian word parser Edit

This is the list of words created by the in-game language parser for the Thalassian language, and is listed as language number ten (word range 800-901) in the Language text file.

In the in-game translator, the language parser for Thalassian shares similar words with the Darnassian parser.

Note: The language algorithm used by the in-game “translator” merely makes the words look like Thalassian. It does not actually translate words. Therefore, translated in-game speech isn’t truly Thalassian.

Number of letters in word Word List
One-letter words A, N, I, O, E, D
Two-letter words Da, Lo, An, Ni, Al, Do, Ri, Su, No
Three-letter words Ano, Dur, Tal, Nei, Ash, Dor, Anu, Fal, Tur, Ala, Nor, Osa
Four-letter words Alah, Andu, Dath, Mush, Shar, Thus, Fulo, Aman, Diel, Dieb, Rini, Anar
Five-letter words Talah, Adore, Ishnu, Bandu, Balah, Fandu, Thera, Turus, Shari, Shano, Terro, Eburi
Six-letter words Dorini, Shando, Ethala, Fallah, Belore, Do’rah, Neph’o, Man’ar, Ishura, U’phol, T’as’e
Seven-letter words Asto’re, Anoduna, Alah’ni, Dor’Ano, Al’shar, Mush’al, Aman’ni, Shan’re
Eight-letter words Mandalas, Eraburis, Dorithur, Dal’dieb, Thoribas, D’ana’no, Il’amare
Nine-letter words Neph’anis, Dune’adah, Banthalos, Fala’andu, Dath’anar, Shari’fal, Thori’dal
Ten-letter words Thero’shan, Isera’duna, Ash’therod, Dorados’no, Shar’adore
Eleven-letter words Fandu’talah, Shari’adune
Twelve-letter words Dor’ana’badu, T’ase’mushal
Thirteen-letter words U’phol’belore
Fourteen-letter words Turus’il’amare, Anu’dorannador
Fifteen-letter words Asto’re’dunadah
Sixteen-letter words Shindu’fallah’na
Seventeen-letter words Thoribas’no’thera, Ando’meth’derador, Anu’dorinni’talah, Esh’thero’mannash

Translations speculation Edit

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For fan translations see Thalassian translation (speculation).

Darnassian vs. Thalassian speculation Edit

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Of note, Kael’thas greeted Tyrande and Maiev with “Ishnu’Alah” when they met in the Plaguelands. This may mean that some of the words still have the same meaning in both languages, or that some phrases have, over thousands of years, lost their offensive implications in their respective languages. It also could be that Kael’thas knew Darnassian.

History speculation Edit

After the high elves were exiled from Kalimdor by the night elves, they set up in the Eastern Kingdoms. There, they lived for millennia, cultivating their culture and their magic. Because of their long life spans, Thalassian, as they called their language, still retains parts of the old language. In fact, it is possible that Thalassian is not therefore a separate language, and is merely a dialect of Darnassian. Even if this were the case, however, the two languages would still not be mutually intelligible.

Thalassian outside the Warcraft Universe Edit

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An award-winning song from the BlizzCon 2007 Song Contest was “Belore Shala Diel”, sung in Thalassian and English, by Phillip Presswood (Xalea).

Fontes: Wowpedia e Wowwiki.